BSBMB’s participation in the 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB
Congress to be held in Shanghai, August 2-7, 2009
According to a resolution taken in the Executive Committee
meeting of BSBMB held on July 25, 2009. Professor Haseena
Khan, General Secretary of the Society will attend as a
delegate of the Bangladesh Society of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology the Council meeting of FAOBMB. The Society
has asked Dr. Khan to discuss in this council meeting which
is to be held just before the 21st IUBMB and 12th FAOBMB
Congress the possibility of arranging a FAOBMB Symposium in
Dhaka, Bangladesh within the next 2-3 years.
The Society is also proud to announce that two of its
general members have been awarded IUBMB and FAOBMB
fellowship. They are:
(1) M Shahidul Islam, Ph.D. student, Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka and
general member of BSBMB has been awarded fellowship of an
IUBMB sponsored ‘Young Scientist Program’ which is awarded
on a competitive basis to Ph. D students from around the
world. These awardees will meet in a program of the young
scientists to be held from July 30-August 01, 2009 prior to
the IUBMB/FAOBMB Congress.
(2) Ms. Rozalynne Samira, a M.Phil student, Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka and
general member of BSBMB has been awarded A FAOBMB travel
fellowship for participation in the Congress.
Our Prayers for BSBMB President Prof HKM Yusuf and
general member, Professor Apala F Naved
The Society prays for a speedy recovery of its President,
Professor Harun Kader Md. Yusuf and Professor Apala F Naved
suffering from health complications.
Dear members, you will happy to know that Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dhaka University is
planning to organize an Olympiad termed as The Biochemistry
Olympiad for the students of Class IX-X/O level and
Intermediate/A level students
The organizers BIOCHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD contest will open doors
for a lot of students and provoke their thoughts to
contribute something for their own country. Not only this,
the contest will also help to generate new ideas to solve
many problems in the biological field, like global warming,
AIDS or the even the swine flu!
They believe that this contest might open doors towards
winning Nobel Prize in biology in future!!
Olympiad event will be organized in between December’09-
January’10.The organizers will highly appreciate the
participation of students in the competition from esteemed
institutions of the country.
They assure that participation in this Olympiad competition
will definitely be rewarding. In this regard the organizers
are sending notices to different schools and colleges (please
see the link, a letter from the organizers’ of Biochemistry
Olympiad-downloadable from eSnips).
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
University of Dhaka gets a facelift
Many of the Society’s members will be happy to know that the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University
of Dhaka now wears a new look, thanks to generous
contribution of Japanese government which gave this face
lift not only to our department but also to the entire
Curzon Hall Campus. The department also got a much needed
renovation inside the age old building.
National Health Policy
Recently the GoB has developed a draft National Health
Policy and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was
seeking feedback to this policy from different institutions,
organizations and individuals. The Executive Committee of
Society met to study the policy and then came up with the
following points which have been submitted to the ministry.
The Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology in a meeting of its Executive Committee on July 25,
2009 has made the following observations and comments.
The Society greatly appreciated the present government's
effort in drafting a national health policy with a view to
providing health care for all the citizens of the country.
The Society appreciates GoB’s eagerness to take health care
facilities to the doorsteps of all its population.
In helping the GoB achieve this target the Bangladesh
Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology makes the
following suggestions:
(1) Like other countries of the world, graduate biochemists
of Bangladesh are involved in carrying out efficiently the
necessary biochemical tests that the doctors need for
correct and precise diagnosis. To achieve the goal of taking
health care services to the doorsteps of all Bangladeshis
the Society is proposing the appointment of one graduate
biochemist in each upazila health complex. This will greatly
reduce the cost and sufferings of the elderly, female and
young patients of coming to big cities for the necessary
(2) It appears from the draft policy that the GoB wants to
take preventive steps in reducing malnutrition related
health complications. Regarding this the Society feels
strongly that the appointment of a Nutritionist/Biochemist
in each upazila health complex (which could also be
associated with primary schools for providing nutrition
related advice to mothers and children) would be greatly
effective in reaching the said goal.
(3)Support/Incentive for local manufacture of diagnostic
kits as a step to reduce cost of such kits which is 100%
import dependent. Manufacture of such kits locally would
also lead to employment opportunities for many.
(4) To include the Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology in different committees for a successful
implementation of the National Health Policy, 2009.
Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the
University of Dhaka celebrated its golden Jubilee in
November 29-30, 2008. This hugely successful event saw the
participation of about 800 ex-students of the department
most of whom are general members of the Bangladesh Society
for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BSBMB).
On this grand occasion the Society had arranged a half day
long International Scientific Conference. This conference
was participated by Konrad
Sandhoff, Professor Emeritus, University of Bonn, Germany and Dr.
Kozi Asada, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University, Japan.
The presentations of a number of renowned graduates from the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University
of Dhaka working in prestigious national and international
institutions both in Bangladesh and outside the country also
helped to make the conference so a successful.

[Fig: 1] President and General Secretary presenting
citations to Prof.
K Asada in a
ceremony where the two distinguished scientists have been
offered Honorary Life Membership of the Society.

[Fig: 2] President and General Secretary presenting
citations to Prof.
K Sandhoff in
a ceremony where the two distinguished scientists have been
offered Honorary Life Membership of the Society.
A book of abstract published on this occasion has been
uploaded. (Dowload
On this occasion the Society in recognition of the great
contribution to the advancement of science and scientific
research, conferred on Professor Konrad Sandhoff and
Professor Kozi Asada, the Honorary Life Membership of the
Bangladesh Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
In this regard a simple ceremony was held in a local
restaurant where the Society presented the two distinguished
scientists with a citation and a crest. This ceremony was
followed by a dinner. This self contributory dinner was
attended by 20 general members of the Society some with
their family members.